Thursday 11 July 2013

Southern Bavaria & Austria part 8 - Edelweiss

So last night had a wander around this amazing place and sat people watching with pint of the local brew Stieglitz....
There's a few Japanese here with their obligatory SLR,s I saw one of them taking a photo of a postcard outside a shop behind him was the very scene in the postcard! I kid you not.
Last night I slept well and then awoken by full on rain until gone 9am. Took a lie in and today I'm taking break from the bike to sample this place in full.
Also saw Maria von Trapp or should I say Maria big trap (American tourist). They get everywhere like us bikers I suppose!

Trying to decide if I should stay pitched for another night and use it as a base for a ride to Bad Ischl, Salzburg etc or move on and visit them en-route and guest house it on the way west Friday night...hmm. 

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