Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Back from the Alps ..

Arrived back 4pm on Sunday after a 429 mile ride from Sedan, mostly motorway all the way. Exhausted but with a huge smile on my face. Most enjoyable trip a good decision to go with a tour company for a ride around the Alps. Just uploading photos and videos over the next few days - see the 2016-Mountains:Alps tab to view them all along with the blog reports for each day..


  1. Hey .... it's really good stuff Mark/DD ...great to see where I've been and what I've done for a change!

    1. Instead of photos of tobacco tins eh LOL.

      Great to ride with you and 'Nads' mate (if only for all of 2 seconds each day !!). Look forward to you buzzing past me again another time, still looking in my mirrors in wanton anticipation !

      Ride Safe, Mark
