I’ve been having a lot of fun recently with the IAM Advanced rider sessions now with last Sunday’s 10th session a challenging ride into Wales along the Devils Staircase and beyond chosen by Patrick my KAB Observer. Come rain or shine despite some pretty dire wet days out in October Patrick’s been available each week to improve my riding skills as I learn how to ride to the IPSGA system mentioned in the previous post. At the start of this I was really struggling to remember to do rear observation, identify potential hazards, identify and anticipate on warning signs, junctions, straight line roundabouts and position my bike for best visibility at all times. Over the weeks I’ve found my riding style is so much better and improved now. I’ve had a good deal to think about, Patrick being a Blood Biker for Severn Freewheelers and Advanced rider for 20 years has given me a lot of advice, his enthusiasm is infectious, and using his bike mounted video camera filming my ride we often stop at a cafe for a video replay ‘critique’ along with a long list of detailed notes as he replays the ride back to me identifying wrong positioning through bends along with accuracy on overtakes. Each week I end up with a feedback report identifying the focus for our next ride to include a cue to studying up with the IAM and Roadcraft material. It’s been quite a revelation to realise how I must have been riding around in the past oblivious to some of the hazards and ignorant to what was happening not only ahead of me, but also behind.
I always thought I was riding ‘defensively’ most of the time to a satisfactory level, but with Patrick’s coaching he has helped me get to another level. While in the car I often listen to podcasts on Adventure ride Radio, and advanced rider training ideas feature quite often with riders who decide to tour and need to acquire some advanced skills, especially after an accident. The old idea of ‘years riding’ equating to ‘you can’t tell me how to ride a bike’ seems foolish to me now. While Patrick was away touring France I was invited to ride behind Dan another Observer who was observing his own associate Rich. I found it fascinating how Rich, having passed his bike test only last year hadn’t slipped into the ‘bad habits’ I had and proved to me despite my experience on long tours away Its obvious that experience on the road could lead to complacency and being ‘set in my ways’ it was hard to get the new style of riding into my ‘muscle memory’. I’m now looking forward to the next challenge in taking the advanced rider test, observed by an examiner who is usually a serving or retired Police motorcyclist. Honestly, I had no idea I would enjoy my ‘Strictly Come Biking’ sessions this much. So glad I signed up!
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