Tuesday 26 June 2018

Ring of Kerry - Part 4 - Brandon Bay to Wexford across the Connor Pass

Dingle Harbour Lodge

To start our ride back East we had unfinished business. We had cut the ride short yesterday and hadn't visited Brandon so I added a couple of way points to take us North from Dingle and after another hearty breakfast we were soon underway, leaving around 9 am.

View from the Harbour Lodge Guest House

The route took us via the fast and twisty Connor Pass. Superb vista from up here, we stopped for a short while before taking off down the other side. me leading with Mark getting some speed up on the way down. we met Mike at the bottom of the pass before the turning for Brandon. 

We went out as far as Brandon Harbour riding along the north side of the Dingle peninsula. The day started cool and sunny, just the job to cruise and take in this very pretty coastline.

Brandon Harbour was deserted, not a soul about other than us three. I have to say this is a very special place, and I just have to come back here again. I can see me pitching a tent in a field somewhere and spending a quiet summer down here. I just have to get across here again someday, it was a sad moment to leave.  

We followed the coastline back along the N86 through Cloghane, Derrymore and on through Tralee. 

In the shade - Carrick on Suir

The ride back East to Wexford had a few moments. I had plotted a different route east than when we came west, and it seemed to us less bumpy on the minor roads this time - or that may have been us more used to it? We travelled on more of the main roads too which helped. 

After 50 miles I pulled over for a break at a small two pump garage and shop. While sipping water, Mark suggested we had a problem and pointed to my rear tyre. Looking down I could see a screw sticking out the side wall of the tyre, just off the tread pattern. It had skewered the edge of the tyre. I realised it was not suitable to plug with my fix kit, so we took a vote on what to do, should I remove it or leave it? We agreed that if left in it would do more damage to the tyre and since it seemed I wasn't losing pressure (still up at 2.7 bar) I might get away with it if removed. I spat on and around the screw and no bubbles and with a crosshead driver from my kit I carefully unscrewed it. All good so far. I switched the bike dash to show TPS, and kept my eye on the pressure for the rest of the trip. All good it seems. Phew, a bit of Irish luck I guess. 

On another occasion, the Garmin showed a right turn on a bend with two turns and I couldn't distinguish the two, and make a choice on which one to take. I pulled over briefly and decided on the best condition of the two lanes. A few miles down the road we passed a farm and out the corner of my eye noticed something rushing toward me - a dog came running toward the bike, quite scary, but somehow Mike and Mark behind avoided getting a bite too. It seemed I had in fact taken the wrong turn and should have taken the really gravelly, rutted lane instead. We turned around and corrected ourselves, to find the lane turned into a really nice smooth road a few miles on. 

Later in the day we stopped for lunch (a very nice Tuna and Cheese toastie) in Mitchelstown on the N73 just before the intended stop at Cahir. After lunch the run picked up pace along the N24 and N25 towards New Ross. At this point approaching road works we overtaken by some guy on a naked sports bike, who we met at the temporary lights. I decided to try and see if he would 'twitch' as the four of us were lined up like the start of a race at the front of the queue. I revved my bike, dropped the clutch a little to see if he would take the bait... and then promptly stalled it, much to everyone's amusement 😡, 😊. Doh'.

We headed toward Old Ross, along some more lanes before arriving in the very nice Wexford, with it's big tidy houses on the outskirts. 

Tonight Mike had booked us into the very ideal Maldron Hotel. Well done Mike, great facilities and perfect for the quick run down to Rosslare harbour for our 8 am sail tomorrow.  

Good nights stay for our last one in Eire. Last drop of Guinness after a swim in the pool. Mark even got on the treadmill, much to our gesturing from the Jacuzzi below!

Not the Jacuzzi

Quite amusing moment we ordered a platter of Chicken Wings, Sausages etc as a starter to share. The waitress chuckled when ordered our mains .. we did manage to eat most of the starter though! 


Food and Beer, what else ?

Early start tomorrow, 6.15 meet at bikes to start our journey home 😔

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